Missouri APA St. Louis Metro Sectoin

The St. Louis Metro Section consists of the multi-county area around St. Louis for both Missouri and Illinois.

In Missouri, it includes the City of St. Louis, St. Louis County, St. Charles County, Jefferson County, Lincoln County, Franklin County and Warren County. In Illinois, it includes Madison County , St. Clair County, Jersey County, Monroe County and Clinton County.

If you have a APA Missouri Chapter membership and an address in one of these counties, you are automatically placed into membership for the St. Louis Metro Section. If you do not have a Chapter membership and would like a membership just for the section, contact our membership director.

View the 2020-2025 St. Louis Metro Section Strategic Plan.

2024 APA St. Louis Board

To reach any board member, please email the section at moapa.slms@gmail.com.

Officer Name Position
Shaun Tooley President
Mary Kennedy Vice President
Rachel Witt Treasurer
Gretchen Arnold Secretary
Jonathan Raiche Past President
Erin LoRusso Professional Development Officer
Hobie Kropp APA Missouri Representative
Scott Hanson APA Illinois Representative
Mike Albin Member-At-Large
Shilpi Bharti Member-At-Large
Earl Bradfield Member At-Large
Breana Buncher Member At-Large
Danny Jendusa Member At-Large
Elliot Liebson Member At-Large
Travis Newberry Member At-Large

Serving on the Board of APA St. Louis

Looking to get more involved in the St. Louis planning community? Serving on the board of the APA St. Louis Metro Section is a great way to grow your career by building relationships with others in the profession and collaborating with peers to advocate for sound planning practices. Also, in 2025, board members will have the unique opportunity to help plan the 2025 Missouri Planning Conference hosted in St. Louis!

Nominations for board membership are open April 30 - May 30, 2024. To nominate yourself or someone else, please fill out the nomination form and return it to AishwaryaShrestha@missouristate.edu.

Board positions are one-year terms. If you live or work on the Missouri side of the St. Louis region, you can nominate yourself for “Member-At-Large – Missouri Representative – St. Louis Metro Section.” If you live or work on the Illinois side of the region, you can nominate yourself for Member-At-Large – Illinois Representative – St. Louis Metro Section.”

To learn about our section committees, click here.