North Oak Corridor: Complete Streets Plan

The North Oak Corridor Plan brought together voices from different municipalities to form a cohesive vision for Complete Street improvements along North Oak Trafficway, a vitally important vehicular corridor through the northland of the Kansas City region. This plan was formed with robust input from a vocal community who rely on this corridor in their everyday lives.

This plan relied on significant input from the project’s steering committee and from the general public which came from the two different municipalities represented along the corridor, each with their own interests and vision. The planning team conducted several steering committee meetings where data, research and concept ideas were presented to get feedback through productive discussions. In addition to the steering committee meetings, two public meetings were conducted to gather feedback from the larger community. The meetings were designed to be as interactive as possible with many hands-on activities so that participants felt engaged in the planning process.

This plan was essential in keeping the North Oak Trafficway Corridor a vital arterial corridor through the region. With traditional retailers struggling and the continued desire for more urban, walkable and bikeable environments, it is through a vision such as the one established by this plan that will help these types of corridors evolve to serve changing living and transportation patterns.